

演讲人:Christophe Lavelle 博士

题   目:化学与烹饪:分子料理

      Christophe Lavelle is a research scientist of biophysics at CNRS. He teaches molecular gastronomy in many French universities. He is also founder and head of the "Science & Cooking" Association and co-organizer of the Annual International Art, Science and Cooking Contest (Paris). Today, he will expose the origins and aims of molecular gastronomy, and show how an interdisciplinary scientific approach can indeed help better understanding culinary phenomena, and ultimately influence the way of cooking. Some of the techniques that pertain to the popular success of molecular cooking will be demonstrated. 

时   间:2011年11月16日,周三下午3:00
地   点:南京大学鼓楼校区逸夫馆报告厅

