2023年9月21日下午,我院杰出院友、新加坡国立大学刘斌院士应邀作为南京大学“戴安邦学术讲坛”嘉宾,为学院师生作了题为“Accelerating Biomedical Research through AIEgen Innovation”的精彩学术报告。本次报告由黎书华经理主持,黎经理首先介绍了刘斌院士的简历和学术成就,然后由院党委书记朱成建代表学院向刘斌院士颁发了“戴安邦学术讲坛”纪念铭牌。我院多个学科的师生参加了报告会。
刘斌院士给大家介绍了具有诱导聚集发光特性的荧光材料(AIEgens)在生物医学领域的创新性应用报告。在报告中,刘教授总结他们课题组近几年在开发用于生物传感和成像的新型AIEgens方面的工作。与量子点和小分子染料相比,具有不同配方和表面功能的AlE点荧光探针在癌细胞的无创检测、细胞长期追踪和血管成像方面显示出优异的特性。此外,研究发现 AlEgens 在聚合状态下具有高亮度和高效活性氧的产生效率,这进一步拓展了AlEgens在成像像引导的癌症手术和治疗中的应用。进一步,通过将第一原理计算对材料性能的精确预测与基于贝叶斯优化的主动学习相结合,建立了高性能光敏剂的自我改进发现系统,这将极大加速了AlEgens在生物医学研究领域的材料创新。报告结束后,刘斌院士同与会师生进行了热烈的交流与讨论。
Professor Bin Liu is Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor and Deputy Provost (Research and Technology) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She is an international member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Singapore Academy of Engineering, and the Singapore National Academy of Sciences.
Bin graduated with bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Nanjing University and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from NUS. She had postdoctoral training at the University of California, Santa Barbara before joining NUS as an Assistant Professor in 2005 and was promoted to full Professorship in 2016.
Bin is a leader in the field of organic functional materials, who has been well-recognized for her contributions to polymer chemistry and organic nanomaterials for energy and biomedical applications. She is named among the World's Most Influential Scientific Minds and the Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate since 2014. She is a prolific researcher with 500 publications and over 50,000 citations (H index = 117). She holds 30 patents with 16 of them licensed to different companies in the US, UK, and Asia.
Bin has received many awards, including the National Science and Technology Young Scientist Award (2008), the President’s Technology Award (2016), the American Chemical Society ACS Nano Lectureship Award (2019), the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Centenary Prize (2021), Kabiller’s Young Investigator Award (2021) and the IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineer Award (2023). Bin serves on the editorial advisory boards of more than a dozen top peer-reviewed chemistry and materials journals. Since 2019, she serves as the Deputy Editor to launch and develop ACS Materials Letters, a flagship materials journal of the American Chemical Society.